Frequently Asked Questions

How long have you been making reels?   I began making reels in 1981 while working as an engineer at General Instrument Corporation. Its been a long road beginning with the geared Atlantic salmon reels.

Why Classic style reels?   Mostly because I like them. Also, the typical multi-piece frame lends to shop making and the opportunity to design and make unique and beautiful full function reels.

Which reel do you like best?   The BiMetal is a unique, almost primitive looking thing with nice contrasting muted color. Historically, the BiMetal design was an early concept, perhaps predating the Perfection. The reel always looks great especially on a quad rod.

How long to wait for a reel?   The reels are hand made from the foot to the handle arm to the screws and everything in between. I like to keep busy, and always there are reels to be made before I can attend to the reel ordered just today.

How can I take apart the reel?   In general only the back side and spool should be taken out. On some reels the click pawl and spring can also be removed and switched around left hand to right hand and vice - versa. This is described on the Maintenance page. The handle arm is press-fit and takes special tools to remove properly without marring the arm or side plate. The hand made screws are of nickel silver and should not be touched by anyone except a seasoned reel repair person.

Why use only small amount of lubrication?   The reel mechanism except for the click pawls are self lubricated with sintered bronze oil bearings or lubricated from the oil reservoir inside the reel center shaft itself. A drop of light machine oil every couple of years along with dirt and dust clean up will do just fine.

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Godfrey Custom Tackle

3509 Pleasant Plains Drive
Reisterstown, Maryland 21136
United States
